Nautical Terms
Whether you're part of Orris' crew or you just want to learn for your own reasons, here is a reference
guide for some common nautical terms to be used when aboard a ship.
- Port: Left side of the ship from facing forward perspective.
- Starboard: Right side of the ship from facing forward persepective.
- Bow or Stem: The front of the ship.
- Prow: The forwardmost part of the bow.
- Stern: The rear of the ship.
- Amidships: Near the middle of the ship.
- Fore: Toward the bow.
- Aft: Toward the stern.
- Rigging: Parts of the ship used to harness the wind for movement. Includes ropes, masts, yards, and
sails. I usually use it to refer to ropes.
- Spar: A pole of wood, such as a mast, boom, or yard.
- Mast: A thick vertical spar from witch yards, booms, and sails are rigged.
- Yard: A horizontal spar on a mast from which sails are set.
- Boom: A horizontal spar along the foot of a sail.
- Bowsprit: A horizontal spar that extends out from the prow. Forestays (rigging ropes) are attached
to it to keep masts steady.
- Helm: The steering mechanism, whether it's a wheel or tiller.
- Windward: Direction from which the wind is blowing.
- Leeward: Direction away from where the wind is blowing from (opposite of windward).
- Bilge: The lowest point of the ship interior. Bilgewater collects here and must be emptied.